The Joint Election Media and Results Centre is to be the main venue for obtaining central results for the election of members to parliament, the provincial assemblies, and the Honiara City Council (HCC). It would also be the central point for the Chief Electoral Officer and his leadership team to have regular press announcements and conferences on the poll and the results, and to address various electoral issues over the election timetable.
Centre Operation Period
The Centre will be open from April 15, 2024, closing on/around April 28, 2024, of which the majority of results including that of parliamentary seats are expected to have been counted.
Depending on progress on counts for wards and constituencies in the provinces, the results centre might expect to operate till late and will at most times require staff and commissioners to be available within the vicinity.
The function of the Media and Result Centre
The Centre will cater for accredited journalists. As the primary source of information for local and international media, the Centre would be used to:
- Facilitate the Chairlady and CEO’s Election Day National Address
- Facilitate the CEO’s election announcements and the coordination of results from the provinces for the CEO.
- Issue press releases to keep the public informed of progress and to formally respond to any matters that may arise.
- Present regular briefings on the progress of the poll, count and results.
- Used as a briefing and information session venue for the 2024 April Joint Election.
- Provide centralised results of the Joint Election.
- Provide internet access to support the media in providing live and constant coverage of the Joint Election.
- Provide space for Commissioners and SIEO legal team to discuss and decide on counting-related issues that might arise during the count period.
Media Accreditation and Centre Layout
Applications for media accreditation are currently being received and will continue closer to Election Day, April 17, to cater for regional and international media applications.
Access The 2024 Media Accreditation Form and Media Election Code of Conduct