The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) focuses on the achievement of its goals within five strategic pillars. Each of these pillars has its own strategic goals, objectives and performance measures. Specific activities have been identified in pursuance of these strategic goals and progress will be monitored through measurable performance indicators.

Legal Framework and Strengthened Independence
- Strengthen independence: Based on the Government Anti-Corruption Reform Agenda the SIEC will develop a policy paper that addresses parliamentary oversight and accountability; commissioner appointments; budget modalities etc, etc. leading to the development of a policy framework
- Adopt funding procedures and suitable financial accountability mechanisms for SIEC budgetary independence.
- New Electoral System. Support and participate in the reform agenda to change the electoral system including the independence of SIEC.
- Increase operational autonomy through implementing independent organisational procedures, policies and governance.
- Improve the legal framework and incorporate gender and social inclusion principles.
- Revise Electoral Codes of Conduct.
Professionally Run Elections
- Optimise electoral cycle procedures. OSIEC will continue to build staff capacity to plan elections in an efficient and professional manner. An Election Management Plan will be developed that incorporates logistics, security, polling stations, inventory lists; recruit a gender balance of competent and qualified electoral officers and provide sufficient training and sensitisation on professional and ethical conduct, terms of reference, and GSI (gender social inclusion) principles.
- Improve Election Management Systems. We will increase our ICT capability to develop and manage efficient systems and procedures to enhance data security, transparency, credibility and accountability during all stages of the electoral cycle including a Results Management System, Electoral HR Database and the posting of election results.
- Harmonise National, Provincial and City Council Elections.
Sustainable Accurate and Inclusive Voters List
- Improve the voter registration process. The process will be reviewed to ensure transparent and efficient registration methods are developed.
- Optimise BVR updating. OSIEC will conduct annual (continuous?) updates through equipping provincially based staff with resources and technology. Research will be conducted into the existing BVR system and recommendations made for adopting future methodologies.
- Increase BVR accuracy and improved access for eligible registrants. OSIEC will improve its technology and introduce flexible methods to ensure the existing roll is up-to-date by adding those eligible and deleting the deceased.
- Prepare for legislative and system changes
- Undertake data analysis for decision-making. OSIEC will develop systems for capturing, analysing and disaggregating data by demographic, etc. in order to inform policy decisions, service delivery and voter education.
- Increase ICT capacity. OSIEC will continue to develop in-house ICT capacity including ICT knowledge, software development, database management, equipment maintenance and infrastructure (hardware) development.
- Enhanced transparency of the system. Discussions will he held with stakeholder groups regarding voter confidence building in the system.
Professional and Organisational Development
- Optimise electoral cycle procedures. OSIEC will continue to build staff capacity to plan elections in an efficient and professional manner. An Election Management Plan will be developed that incorporates logistics, security, polling stations, inventory lists; recruit a gender balance of competent and qualified electoral officers and provide sufficient training and sensitisation on professional and ethical conduct, terms of reference, and GSI (gender social inclusion) principles.
- Improve Election Management Systems. We will increase our ICT capability to develop and manage efficient systems and procedures to enhance data security, transparency, credibility and accountability during all stages of the electoral cycle including a Results Management System, Electoral HR Database and the posting of election results.
- Harmonise National, Provincial and City Council Elections.
Voter Education, Public Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement
- A detailed, evidence-based Strategic Communications Plan is implemented across the cycle.
- A detailed, evidence-based National Voter Awareness Strategy is implemented across the cycle.
- Strong and effective partnerships with Electoral reform education