SIEO Training Team Deployed to Auki
July 5, 2022
SECSIP/UNDP and the Australian Government Maintains Support to Delivery of Electoral Events in the Country
July 14, 2022By-Election Date for West Kwaio Constitency is set for 21st September, 2022.
Acting Chief Electoral Officer, Mr Fredrick Bosoboe revealed this date after publication of the Election Date notice in the Gazzette yesterday 26th July, 2022.
In the election law, this legal gazzetted notice commences the candidates nomination period starting from today 27th July”,Mr Bosoboe said.
All intending candidate have until 10th of August 2022 to physically do their nomination with the Returning Officer< Mr. Pearson Simi, for the by-election.
Nomination center is at Maoa Village within the West Kwaio Constituency.
Nomination will be done electronically and therefore requiresintending candidates to do their nomination to physically present at the nomination center so that their photos can be captured to be printed on the ballot paper.
Acting Chief Electoral Officer, Mr Fredrick Bosoboe reminds candidates that intending candidates to adhere to nomination requirements to avoid disqualification.
“An intending candidate must be nominated by 3 registered voters who are registered and reside in the constituency where the candidate wants to stand, must be a registered voter for the constituency he/she intends to run for, must pay a none-refundable nomination fee of $5,000, must resign from his/her job if he/she is a public servant , must not be involved in any work in relation to the conduct of voter registration within the last 12 months, and must file his/her nomination with the constituency Returning Officer before close of the nomination period,” Mr Bosoboe explains.
He added that a candidate who represents a political party along section 65 of the Electoral Act must submit along with his/her nomination application form, a letter from the registrar of the office of political party commission certifying that; he/she is a registered member of the political party for which he/she seeks nomination for and that he/she is a party candidate.
Mr Bosoboe call on all intending candidates to note that, all nomination must be done by 4pm Wednesday 10th of August, 2022.
The Acting Chief Electoral Officer further explained that the election campaign period also commences after publication of the election date notice.
“Along section 62, It must end 24 hours before the polling day.”
Mr Bosoboe said that, the law remains the same and therefore, the penalties for breaching these election offenses remain unchanged.
He appealed to all good voters of West Kwaio Constituency to continue to support the election process towards polling day..
The Electoral Commission would like to acknowledge West Kwaio Consituents for your understanding and patience as it gears towards conducting the by-election
For enquiry, please call SIEO enquiry line on Phone : 7222200