Chief Electoral Officer Calls for Submission of Candidates’ Election Campaign Expenses for West Kwara’ae By-Election 2023
June 10, 2023
SIEO thanked applicants who have applied for its temporary advertised positions
June 15, 2023The applicants listed below are scheduled to undergo a basic computer test. Testing will take place from June 20th, 21st, and 22nd, 2023 in Honiara respectively. Those who successfully pass our tests will be requested to attend a BVR training in mid-July with the expectation of being recruited for the exercise commencing in early August. Once the tests are completed, the allocation of provinces to be deployed to will be made known.
Please be mindful that you are to commit and be available to work for the SIEC during the whole period of registration including the training. The timeslots below for identified applicants are scheduled as follows;
● Training Venue: Multi-Purpose Hall Conference Room ● Starting Time: 9:00am