GPG and HCC Consulted on the Proposed Electoral Reform to Synchronize all Elections
August 17, 2022
August 31, 2022The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission would like to invite interested groups or organizations who wish to participate in election observation for the upcoming by-elections for West Kwaio constituency to submit their interest in writing to the Chief Electoral Officer.
Applications must be in a group or organization as individual applications will not be accepted. Only the Solomon Islands Electoral Office will accredit observation groups.
Accredited election observation groups or organizations are solely responsible for funding all its Election Observation activities.
All applications must reach the office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Solomon Islands Electoral Office, Vavaea Ridge, before the 10th of September 2022.
Solomon Islands Electoral Commission would like to inform interested observer groups that all post covid-19 electoral events still observes COVID 19 health measures. All candidate agents, scrutinizing the election and election observation personnel both international and domestic must adhere to these measures. The commission will demonstrate its support towards assisting any key observation in this upcoming by-election to instill confidence in the conduct of elections.
Accreditation forms are available online and can be downloaded from SIEC official website: www.siec.gov.sb (See below link) or can be requested through email from the liaising officer or can also be collected at the Electoral Office, Vavaea Ridge.
All complete application must return to the Observer Liaison Officer –
Ms. Samantha Mali.
Email: samantha.mali@undp.org, either in person at
The Solomon Islands Electoral Office
Vavaea Ridge, Honiara.
If forms are returned by email, please contact the Observer Relations
Officer at the SIEC on 21198/21199 to verify and confirm receipt.